Current issues in water supply and sewage

calendar_today09. - 13. 11. 2021. location_on Hotel Olimpia ****, Vodice, Dalmatia
calendar_today09. - 13. 11. 2021. location_on Hotel Olimpia ****, Vodice, Dalmatia
Dear Madams and Sirs,
Every year the Croatian Water and Wastewater Association organizes an international business conference; this time it takes place from November Olympia Hotel,Vodice. We therefore invite you to discuss the state of issues in water supply, wastewater disposal and wastewater
treatment in Central and Southern Europe and beyond with a variety of water management experts this year.
The meeting takes place under the well-known title:
With this year\\'s event, the Croatian Water and Wastewater Group continues its tradition of organizing this conference, as it has done for more than 20 years - a meeting of experts from Central and Southern Europe on water supply, sewage and wastewater treatment. In line with the positive experiences so far, this year\\'s expert conference will be organized with the aim to present the latest technologies and insights and to hold expert meetings on water management.
It is certain that this year\\'s meeting will be marked by the new legislation in the Republic of Croatia, as the new Water Act and the Water Supply Act and the amendments to the Water Resources Financing Act have recently come into force. These laws have a major impact on the business of public water companies in the Republic of Croatia, so a round-table discussion will be devoted to this topic.
The issue of preparing and implementing EU projects in the water sector is increasingly attracting more and more participants to these demanding processes, which is why a round-table discussion is also being held at the expert meeting. It is already well-known that there are many problems in the preparation and implementation of major EU projects, which also affect the entire construction sector. We therefore believe that these discussions will also help improve the efficiency of such projects. There will be ongoing projects and investments presented, as well as the experiences of participants in their project implementation, thus helping to prepare and implement new projects to be expected in the near future.
At this thematic round table, representatives of water utility companies, relevant ministries, Hrvatske vode and other Croatian and foreign experts will discuss the state of play and prospects for the future development of this sector. In addition, a series of specialist lectures and presentations, discussions where everyone is expected to participate, and business presentations at the event are planned.
The guidelines of the conference are the following thematic units:
In adition to the presentation of technical papers, a substantial part of the expert conference will offer a varied accompanying programme such as the exhibition of products and services, as well as thematic workshops where institutions and companies will present their latest products and programmes in a pleasant atmosphere.
We believe that the topics presented at the expert meeting will greatly contribute to the improvement and implementation of activities necessary for major investment projects in the water sector and will also improve the business of the entire water and public utilities sector in the Republic of Croatia and beyond.
We herebly invite you to join us again this year and enrich the programme agenda with their participation and thus contribute to the further development of water supply and wastewater management in this part of the world.
The Organizing Comittee
The foreseen thematic units at this year's Conference are as follow:
We believe that the proposed topics of this year's expert Conference will stimulate the interest in presenting these issues, and therefore represent an invitation and challenge to the authors and provide at the same time an interesting framework for active participation in the expert part of this meeting. We hereby invite all interested parties to enrich the programme agenda of the conference with their participation, and thus contribute to the further development of the given topics.
We cordially invite the representatives of public water companies, university professors and lecturers, heads of ministries, departments and Hrvatske vode, planners, architects, engineers, manufacturers and distributors of equipment and installations, institutes and inspection bureaus. This highly competent profile of participants is expected to offer its contribution to the above agenda, thus enhancing the overall exchange of knowledge, ideas and information in this field
Prijave stručnih radova šalju se tehničkom organizatoru
kongresnoj turističkoj agenciji Revelin.
S prijavom je potrebno poslati sažetak stručnog rada do 100
riječi, s imenima, titulama i adresama autora i suradnika. Naslov i
sažetak rada potrebno je dostaviti i na engleskom jeziku.
Urednici Zbornika radova izvršiti će razvrstavanje svih
primljenih stručnih radova temeljem naslova i sažetaka,
prema predviđenim tematskim skupinama.
Prijave stručnih radova sa sažecima potrebno je poslati do:
30. srpnja 2021.
Kompletne stručne radove potrebno je dostaviti zaključno s
24. rujna 2021.
Svi prihvaćeni stručni radovi biti će objavljeni u Zborniku radova i
na CD-u.
The conference fee is 1.995,00 EUR (including VAT), that is 265,00 € if paid until 20.10.2022. For submissions received later than that date, i.e. from 21.10. onwards, the conference fee shall be 2.550,00 EUR (including VAT), or 320,00 €
Conference fee shall be paid by all participants of the Conference, irrespective of the number of days booked or the number of participants from a single company or institution.
The Conference fee must be paid before arrival for accreditation in the hotel.
From Croatia:
IBAN: HR 4123600001101461113
(the name of the participant is mandatory, as well as the number received on the proforma invoice)
From abroad:
Zagrebačka banka d.d.,
Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, 10000 Zagreb
SWIFT: ZABA HR2X, Revelin d.o.o. Ičići
IBAN: HR 4123600001101461113
(The banking fees for transaction shall be borne by the participant)
Applications for participation and hotel booking (download PDF)
Do not miss the opportunity to present yourself on the biggest and most important professional-business Conference in Central and Southern Europe on the topic of drinking water supply and wastewater treatment. Your audience will be around 700 leading persons from the area of water management.
The companies which decide to present themselves at the Conference by means of the sponsorship contract, shall have a free advertising space for a brief presentation of the company, or its products and services on the joint marketing DVD. This DVD shall be distributed to all participants at the Conference.
Sponsors of the Conference have a status of full-fledged participants and are obliged to pay the conference fee.
Any type of commercial activity shall take place in accordance with the special Contract signed with the organizer and with an official accreditation.
The marketing programme and the price list can be obtained from the Revelin Agency.